RIP Nanao Sakaki

From a letter written by poet Gary Snyder:

“Last night I got word from Japan that Nanao Sakaki had suddenly died.  He was living with friends in the mountains of Nagano prefecture in a little cabin.  He had stepped out the door in the middle of the night to stargaze or pee and apparently had a severe heart attack.  His friends found him on the ground the next morning.  Christmas afternoon they’ll hold the otsuya  — intimate friends drinking party in his room, sitting with his body — and a cremation after that.  He was one of my best friends in this lifetime.” 


From the Allen Ginsberg Project

See also David-Baptiste Chirot

And Nanao Sakaki at Poetry:

Read books
If you have time to read
Walk into mountain, desert and ocean
If you have time to walk
Sing Songs and dance
If you have time to dance
Sit quietly, you Happy Lucky Idiot

16 thoughts on “RIP Nanao Sakaki

  1. To have first met Nanao in Dec.1980 in Zuni, New Mexico set myself onto new trails of thought, spirit, adventure. He loved the “Apache Trail Song” in “top 10 of world music”. He influenced many, John Brandi, Jirka Wein, Ruth Ross, Jakimo Soucy, Kush at the Cloud House, Shig in North Beach, Tweet and Charolet in Zuni, Barie in Santa Fe, Chris Wells, Peter Blue Cloud, Peter Garland,Peter Rabbit. Nanao helped to plant seeds of Community in Gila,N.M.. I brought Nanao to a Grateful Dead concert on Valentines Day 1986 and introduced him to Bobby Petersen (Beat Poet, G.D.songwriter). And the list goes on and on of the many he inspired. Now on the Star Trail dear friend. I thank him for all the beautiful blessings. As ever, Strider

  2. awakened by the light
    I go outside
    naked under the first full moon of winter
    ah Nanao there you are
    shining down on us

  3. The poetry quote ruïnes the poem.
    The opening sentence is left out. It starts with:

    If you have time to chatter,
    Read books.

  4. …I miss you so much…
    …I send you all my LOVE…

    …”I am always with you…
    …the way you are always with me…”

    …remembering Sardinia…
    …and the Five enemies…

    …in the Galaxies…

    …Lat. 43″ 53′ 13.68″ North…
    …Long. 7″ 36′ 48.09″ East…
    …I am here…

  5. Dear Nanao

    I miss you,
    I miss you,
    I miss you,
    so much!

    I Love you
    and you are with me.

    Step in
    Step out!

    Anna GANGA

  6. What an honor to meet this man in the universe as he changes over–searching to become aquainted with him:

    whole universe
    open window
    hearts touching

    –oui, oui, oui. merci, merci, merci

  7. Get “JanKenPo” (cd) to hear snyder,sakaki,andsaijo in an essential gathering of friends and poems. Listen over and over.

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